
Frank, outspoken.
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-Sunday, April 27, 2008

Like my own.

The basketball season is over, I didn't know it meant that much to me too. One year of training, one year of sweating it out. I'm sorry to disappoint. I really am. I'll pick myself up from here and do what I do best. I'll shoot, grab rebounds and defend like never before. I cannot guarantee anything, but I'll definitely give my all. Thank you all for the memories.

Something else that means much to me. Future. It may seem like a piece of paper right now. It's inevitable that in this kind of society we're in, qualifications DO matter. Seeking motivation to do well and give me a better future. It's important to me how I live further in time. I want to show that I actually can, and start to prove people wrong.

On another note,

Friendship, it means so so so much to me. Close friends, I feel what they feel. Anger, sadness, happiness, jubilation. Emotions, they connect people, somehow in an unexplainable way.

It's not exactly the first few times but I don't know why I feel like I'm the one. I'm concerned about what's going on. I just don't know why I feel like how exactly everyone does each time. I guess it's cause each of these 'everyone' mean something to me, I guess.

I don't think I'll find out the reason why people feel the same emotions toward a certain event, but I guess it's really fine and it's amazing how it happens to people around us, including myself.

It's just like, they're like my own. I'll try to be their strength and their armor.
Appreciate you guys. You'll know who you are if you feel this feeling in your tummy.

It's late,

Yeechien Wrote;
1:30 AM

-Sunday, April 20, 2008

24 and more? Please

The cliche line that's always used: "So little time so much to do!". I find myself going to use that too. So I really would appreciate a couple of more hours a day, just to finish whatever's on hand.

Council, basketball season, schoolwork. So much to do, so much to think about. If only I had more time each day to finish what's on hand. But these days I learnt a lesson that stood for long: Don't bring today's work to tomorrow.

I just hope everything ends soon so that I can put my mind straight to only one area, my academia. It's boring to talk about but reality check, it's the most important thing right now.

Yeechien Wrote;
11:50 PM

-Thursday, April 10, 2008

Endings, beginnings and whatever's on my mind.

There comes a point of time in our lives where we face changes and it really seems like the hardest thing to do, just to let go and embark on a new journey. Everything is only but a chapter in our lives. Once we come to a close, we open another.

Like how we always say, change appears to be the only constant, ironically.

Seems like a year just went past me without me knowing much, actually. Beautiful things do take place in our lives, afterall. I've had my share and I'm really content. Time to look at the beautiful side of life instead of falling back in the shadows.

Priority, priority. Arranging tasks can be quite troublesome and most of the time it'll end up being a task in itself. Nothing else thats second and less is as important as the first. That's my way to go.

Perspectives. The black dot,white space;half-full,half-empty analogies. Perspectives differ. Until everyone reaches a certain incidence then we will have an agreement. That may take time, too. IF is a word not contained by boundaries. IF stretches your imaginations to the extreme ends. IF only.

IF only everyone lived in harmony.
Politics is a really dirty game.

Yeechien Wrote;
11:34 PM