
Frank, outspoken.
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-Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Red light. STOP.

The mart.

A phone in the desert 1800-xxx-xxxx


Sunrise, but thats the moon.

An Old(old) Mining Town...

Some plant with a cow in the foreground

Barely Visible Rainbow

It's gonna rain..

Sunsets, Lakes, and Ducks?

The ducks became dinner.

Golden Gate Bridge.

San Francisco

Alright. So all this while in California has given me sights and sounds not found in Singapore. The scenery in Singapore? Differences and similarities over here and back home, but one thing remains the same. People and their personality. That don't change, right?

Clique -
group noun
a small group of people who spend their time together and do not welcome other people into that group:

Cliquey -
adjective (ALSO cliquish) DISAPPROVING
my viewpoint:
Cliquey is a kind of personality. People who are cliquey tend to stick together in their Original group and they make new members feel unwelcome.

Watched Reality TV over here, kinda nice. I guess the reason why it's called 'Reality' TV cause it applies to our lives, it's reality, isn't it. Made me learn. I guess there are plenty of different personalities out there.

I don't know why some people think they're in charge, they're the big shots and all. In short, maybe these people are airheads. They speak and speak, they do not think. Usually they follow their heart, or their emotions. So if you find people like that, give them a poke and they'll let all hell loose on you. If you don't they'll act like they are all big and great. They're not that great actually, they just talk more than other people. I do not deny that these people are smart, but they should be wise. They are smart - they know how to make full use of their tongues, sometimes maybe 101%. The tongue. Put people down, speak like the pro, cuss, anything else not so nice. Maybe people don't realise that they're not using their gifts in the right way. Like, someone gives you an inflatable boat and you try to ride it in your bathtub, don't really make sense huh. We should be smart and wise. Not just smart. Being smart is knowing how to say it, being wise is know when to say it, or whether to say it. I'm trying to say that, sometimes we should use our brain before we open our mouths.

Life has never been better. Escaping from the haste of everyday life in SG and coming here, is great. But I'll have to go back soon. Right here, the sense of urgency is not that great and people just take things easy. It's not as tense. The quiet surroundings and me being alone sometimes makes me think better about some questions in life. I'll return to the US again.

Alright, CNY's coming soon? I didn't know until someone told me. See what happens when you stay out of something/somewhere too long. You get lost. People may say I'm all critical and everything in my posts, but we got our right to say what we want, eh?

Yeechien Wrote;
6:22 AM

-Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hello World!

Hello people, its 5.11am over here, haha. Must be jet lag.

Yeah, finally everythings settled down huh, the blog stuff and all, if anyone was aware, if not, nevermind. I won't spend anymore time explaining myself and anything else. Simple. If you dont like me, so be it. I wont make an effort to like you or what. "Do unto others what you want them to do unto you." Since people have already bullcrapped about me I believe I can do the same thing. No whining, no nothing.

So people might say I'm a hypocrite, so much for being matured alr and then go talk bad to others. My viewpoint is that, no matter how mature you are and who you are, there comes a certain point in life where you have disagreements and you wanna rant it out.

Again, this is part of life. Some morsels of bullshit, right?

With my uncle and aunt in California now, kinda good experience I dont get in SG. Girls will like it here, so much shopping to do. Somemore really good prices with plenty of discounts, and I thought only we liked discounts. Hahaha. Everyone does.

Going to be 17 soon.

As we grow older we gain more experiences from life. We see a little more than others, learn a little more. We try and try till we succed, failures will be past already. I learnt how to reverse a truck/car, almost learnt how to ride a motorbike here. But I fell down.

BUMP! Fell down.
Haha see I'm riding again.

Oh sorry I didnt tell everyone it was a mini dirt bike but it works like the ones you see on the streets, haha.

Thats for now, [:

Yeechien Wrote;
9:10 PM