
Frank, outspoken.
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-Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What's this?

What is this?

What's this feeling? The other day I was walking happily after I bought some chocolates from Royce @ Suntec City. I was looking for a place to sit down and eat. Somehow, I wasn't really decisive. I kept walking around and around. I don't like crowded places. I don't like to squeeze. Finally when I found a place at pacific coffee, I settled down. Then a thought came to my mind. "What am I doing here, alone?"

Here, as in both that location, and right here. Here = right here in this world. "What's the purpose?" I thought. What am I living for, myself? Maybe not. Socialising seems to be a word that is kinda distant. I might have forgotten how to actually know others better. How come I see it in this way - cliques, cliques, groups, groups. Individuals are left out. Or did they choose not to join in?

How come I feel like one of the individuals? How come I feel so, alone? I don't know why. Hopefully this is just a passing phase of my growing years. And I thought I stopped growing. I just acknowledge comments with a faint smile, or a nod. The constant ramblings about life, everything. I don't feel alot of emotions, maybe just happy and sad. All I know is to follow my dreams, what I wanna do. But in the process, what will I lose?

I live by this principle - Others before self. There is nothing that is fully to your advantage. You pay a price. It may be good to consider others' well being before our own, but at the same time we must not forget who we are. Maybe, to put it simply, there should be a balance, in everything.

Where do we find that balance?
The search goes on.

"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
If you can dream it, you can become it. "

William Ward

Yeechien Wrote;
8:35 PM

-Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Is there anything that is defined?

Everything seems to be subjective. A line, when compared to a shorter one, is longer. When compared to a longer one, is shorter. So, is the line long or short?

What defines anything? What are things that are not subjective? Is the cup half full or half empty? Is beauty really in the eyes of the beholder? Is it difficult, or easy.

Think, think think.

Digress a little, don't really like the fact that people are discussing about other people, I guess if no one is perfect, who are we to judge. I believe in putting ourselves in others' shoes before saying anything. I heard stuff in school today, and it wasn't pleasant. Even if I wasn't the victim, we shouldn't engage in such activities.

To end it off,

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people - Mr Lee Hoong Yong(?)

Yeechien Wrote;
9:20 PM

-Sunday, May 13, 2007

Making Decisions.

Went for Spiderman 3 last week with a couple of my friends. It was good as usual. An action hero movie containing philosophical ideas.

"Whatever comes our way, we have to make choices. and whatever choices we make makes who we are now." - Spiderman

It may sound weird that an action hero that spins webs says this. But I feel that its really true. Life is like a road. Choices are like junctions - we choose to turn right, or left, or keep going straight. Shit I don't know why but I always get temporary blanks in my mind momentarily. Now I don't know what to write about this.

As the 9th week of school draws in, I learnt quite a few things off some people. I learnt how to live life fully, how to achieve what I want, how to grab opportunities. I see this world as a world full of stereotypical people. There is a certain standard that people conform to, which makes them no different from one another. That is how I see whats around me now. I hope to find better answers, I think its more than that.

I don't engage in cliques, I don't enjoy bitching, I don't entertain politics. But whatever we say, all of these still exists. And maybe more sometimes..

On the road there are bumps, there are holes, there is a smooth road. There are waves in the sea, there is uncertainty in the sky. Whatever it is, whatever we do, we should not give up. We should press on, no matter how hard it is. We should pick ourselves up and start moving on. It's a period in life where we encounter ups this minute, and downs the next minute.

We bask in the light of victory, but we are oblivious to the time that flies cause there's nothing much to think about. On the other hand when we are down and out, down in a pit that seems far from land, we spend alot of time mulling and thinking about the past. It's okay. As soon as we're done, continue where we left off.

In this world, almost everything is rather subjective. That's what lead to differences.

Yeechien Wrote;
9:25 PM

-Thursday, May 10, 2007


Will be back soon, with more constant updates. Hopefully.

Yeechien Wrote;
8:48 PM