-Thursday, August 31, 2006
So many things to do. Where did everyone go to. Everyone fends for himself. Selfish, we should try to be selfless, sigh.
I could start swearing like mad if you want me to. &$%^&%^*$@#%#^*&))(%^&%^#%@$%#
Yeechien Wrote;
10:25 PM
-Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Right now I'm like the blister under my feet, about to burst and let the water out just about, anytime. Yeah. So don't be a needle and try to poke me. It's not going to be fun. At all. I just found out some stuff some people did, which threatened something which was rather close to my heart. Sometimes we should try to think before we act. Fools measure the consequences after they act, but wise men do the opposite. So much for that. So much for the talk on professionalism. And more saliva wasting
lectures. Wasted my time, really. Until someone came along and told me, 'Hey, you know that * is very unhappy with the way things are going, at this rate, # would go down.' (Anyway for those curious readers out there, you might want to ask me, I might tell you, if there are any readers in the first place.)
Right man. When something really close to you faces the threat of being extinct, you really become angry. Not to forget, the effort, love and care that you put in, might all be wasted? I don't know man, all I know is now, I am highly irritable and about to burst. Damnit.
People should rather find their way quick, instead of being influenced. Stop procrastinating, stop saying that you study but when people get better grades than you, you whine like a baby. Stop saying that you have no time to study, that people are scolding you for not putting enough time in studies. See for yourself, what are you doing, and what you have been doing, and stop whining man. Time management gives us more time. Poor time management leaves us w/o enough time. Note I said '
enough time', Time is always there, its wheteher if we want to save it, or waste it. [:
Im off to bed.
I might even explode in my bed. ]:
Yeechien Wrote;
10:35 PM
-Monday, August 28, 2006
Random Feelings
I'm not in the best of mood to blog, Im here to say, I think I'm taken for granted.
Yeechien Wrote;
8:37 PM
-Sunday, August 27, 2006
To be responsive, instead of reactive. Well then. I shall learn that.
I am growing up. In fact, for the last 8 months, after taking up the Prom Project, I feel that I've grown, not physically, but mentally, and emotionally. Life is never easy, but I think I have at least tried my best, and given my best most of the time, and I hardly whine and complain. I've learnt that, power is not given to you for your own advantages, neither for you to flaunt, nor for you to abuse. It is rather, for your job to be done, even if it means silently. A tree, like an organisation, needs to be pruned regularly. The unwanted parts should be removed, so it does not become an obstacle for growth, and then, reaping the fruits.
It's time for me to S.U.M.O ( Shut Up and Move On). Its time for me to try to ignore all the noises in life. Its time for me to brave through the obstacles of life, the choppy waves, and how unpredictable the journey can get. I'll be like a rock, hard to break with my vaules held tightly within. I'll try my very best, to ignore what I can, regardless of what people speak of me, they usually speak ill, thats how people behave. The tongue is made not for us to hurt, rather it its made for the use to do good. Relationships, any kind, are like 2 logs burning at each end, close enough to light each other up, yet far apart enough for space to breathe. Understand? Sigh. In this phase, I'm rather feeling emotionally unstable? I don't know. I had enough of what people are saying, not about me, but just what comes out from their mouths. A coin has two sides, but usually we see the negative side, don't we. Maybe I should try to see the positive side. Well maybe I think the postive side has become extinct(?) It hardly exists. Or never. Slowly it fades, and people lose themselves to influence. Its not that we cant see both sides a coin, but whether a coin wants us to see the other side of them, really. Until then, we only can base our perceptions on a single side. It's really time for me to leave everything behind, and move to a new stage of life, where I can find myself.
Also, words of encouragment for people out there. The higher you climb, the thinner the air becomes. People who give up are left behind. Never look back, for the view at the top, is much more worthy of your sight.
All along, my perspectives were kinda restricted, like being contained within a well, only to see what the sky is like from the well. I have since then moved out of the well, and I'm trying to scale greater heights so that I can see things better. I want the inscription on my tombstone to say, here lies a man who never stopped asking for more, and more. [: Now that I moved up a stage, I hope that I can help those who havent. But if they are unwilling, all I can do is just sit around and watch. So many thoughts within, but rather hard to pen it down in black and white.
Yeechien Wrote;
8:23 PM
-Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Time Flies.
Well, Term 3 is coming to a close. Time, really flies. It waits for no man, does it?
Some people just never go through puberty. What a worry.
Someone get me out of this road,
if not I'll just have to get to the end unscathed.
Random bombings by the cannons ambushed in the bushes,
along the sides of the roads.
Traps in the ground,
There's always something to cheer about,
when you get to the end of the road.
I dont know what to say much,
except that,
Life is showing me its true colours,
both the bright and the dark.
Yeechien Wrote;
9:39 PM
-Tuesday, August 22, 2006
This issue is again, on posers.
Hypocrites going around saying that others should bitch about people, talking the most nonsense, almost like a cannon firing blanks. Yet they themselves are not practising what they preach. So much for pretending to be well-versed in english. Lip-syncing to the tune of english R&B songs, but not realising that their english is not really that great. I'm not great, but at least I dont flaunt. If you don't have what it takes, dont flaunt. Its not a big deal.
Firing blanks all the time, all talk and no action, what for. You get the hoo-ha for a second, and when the other comes, people lose respect for you. Last-minute scrambles, thinking that you'll be able to pull through and such. Its of no use. What's the point of buying a fire extinguisher when the fire has already broke out? Getting ready beforehand is rather essential for us to survive in this world. I have a big problem with alot of people. In reality, I only have my family, cousins, and a few friends whom I can always relate to and have always been there. Friends, are the people usually on the same wavelength as me. I think, thats how cliques are formed. A clique of hardworking people, another of people who gossip all day long and never get things right. The similarites, and differences.
What people never realise is, they should leave their box to a higher level, and grow from there. We should never stop accepting new ideas, if not, we'll never succeed in life. We should look at things from a higher level. The view from the top is always clearer. Most of us haven't seen much of reality, including myself. I am learning to. We should move out of our current perspective and mindsets and grow. We shouldn't stick to what we think is correct, but we should what we can do better. Nothing is wrong in this world, but the only problem, is whether it is to the good of man. I have a group of people whom I feel that I can't really accept. They totally get under my skin. Really. I wont comment much.
So much about them.
Well, hopefully people can just grow up, and have some humility for themselves, and not be so arrogant and thick-skinned to brag about how great they are. Thanks.
Yeechien Wrote;
3:51 PM
-Monday, August 21, 2006
Personal Opinions.
Many people seem to have '
punch me' on their foreheads these days. Really. The noise they're making, like crows in the canals, are irritating the shit out of my bowels. Making comments at every slightest actions another makes. But when it comes to them, they get all so stressed up and start to whine like a little kid who dropped his lollipop. What bitches they are.
I've had enough.
Luckily for me there's like only a few months left. [: And I wont be anymore of them in the near future. Usually the focus is on the people who make the most noise. Yuhan said so. How I wish I could name them out and blah. Lol. But to protect everyone's interests, no. [: Ask me, I might share some stuff with you.
Go f*** yourself if you pose, act, and discriminate. Discriminate generates hate. Stop telling on people, stop insulting people, stop every shit. If you were them, how'd you feel? You people never think, I wonder what was your brain made for. To think of new ways to lash people with your smelly mouths and tongues? Bullshit. A trend in this people - they have very little paitence. They can lash a person a thousand times and the person not flare up, but when they get their own treatment, they start to become stupid and be angry. F***ers. Grow up please. And I mean grow up as in grow up. So what if you're up to date with fashion and such? It doesn't make you mature, stupid. Talking about the current trends doesnt make you mature. Dumb. Only growing from within, and the maturity of the mind is really mature, I learnt this off a book. I apologise for saying such things, but I have to say it, its my feelings.
Stop blabbering and contributing to the noise already there. You guys seem to have verbal diarrhoea and you all need to be cured. Not by a doctor, but a tailor. Get him to sew up your mouths so that all the shit that comes out from your mouths remains and you'd burst one day. I'm evil. Very. Its annoying. ROAR.
One thing - Try to show respect to yourself first. It comes #1, then respecting other stuffs. Only then, will people respect you. If you show yourself as cheap, people will label you cheap. Preserve your dignity, and you will win the hearts of the masses.
Yeechien Wrote;
10:16 PM
-Sunday, August 20, 2006
Random Q and A
A short quiz,
Read my previous entry anyway! [[:
What's your name?- Yeechien
If you could live forever, would you?- (stares blankly at the question)
What time is it?- 1.16AM.
Do you have anything in your pocket?- No.
If so, what is it?-
When did you last take a shower/bath?- 4 hours ago
Do you like coconuts?- They make me puke
Do you collect any weird objects?- Nah.
What's your favourite ice cream flavour?- Strawberry. (quite odd for a guy like me)
Is "Guess what" really a question?- I dont know
Have you ever thought of something funny?- Hardly nowadays
Where do you go grocery shopping?- Marketplace or anywhere
What's your favourite fruit?- Strawberry
Do you like white, dark, or milk chocolate?- Dark.
Gosh, my tummy hurts, does yours?- No.
How many houses have you lived in?- 3
Do you prefer peanuts or almonds?- Almonds.
Do you like your jeans loose or tight?- Tight, but not too tight.
Can you cook?- YEAH!
Do you usually dream at night?- Yes.
What are your dreams about?- INTERESTING STUF [[:
Do you prefer peppermint or spearmint?- Neither
Do you talk on the phone a lot?- Once in a while
What kind of car do you drive?- I have no car and I can't
If you don't have one, what kind do you want?- Lamborghini Murcielago? haha is that how you spell it? hahah
Do you curse?- Sometimes
Do you like lemonade?- Yes.
Sweet or salt?- Sweet
Chocolate or hard candy?- chocolate
What song do you know every word to?- Nah
Do you wear make-up daily?- If I did I'd look gay wont I
Do you usually chew on straws?- No.
When at a fast food place, do you get aburger,chicken nuggets, or something else?- Nuggets
Do you get on xanga/myspace daily?- No
What kind of shoes do you wear?- Any shoes
Do you get annoyed when people TYPE LiKETHiS?- VERY
Do you type like that?- okay I used to tYpE liKe thIs.
Have you ever been whistled at while walking outside?- No.
Did you like this?- Kinda since I'm bored. [:
Yeechien Wrote;
1:20 AM
Can't seem to fall asleep. Bothered much by stuff happening. Juggling with so many things isn't easy. I have a feeling, I won't do as well as expected for this Prelims. I'll try my very best during the O levels.
Sometimes its great to have people on the same wavelength as you. [: You have the common topics to talk about, the almost the same interests you share. Im really getting increasingly irritated by some insolent fools, who have no respect for others, let alone themselves. Making a din for no reason, I find them a nuisance to society. I'm crude, I have total disregard for them. If you realise, the situation in the graduating cohort is so damn tensed, or rather the atmosphere. Everyone is asking each other if they'd study or not, if they found the paper easy or hard. That's when the lies come in. Claming that they've been studying, but getting stressed up when the exam comes around the corner. Contradicting, contradicting. Lies, and such. The intense competition. Healthy, yet unhealthy. The ends one might go to, to cause another's downfall. Welcome to the world again [:
Easy is kinda subjective. Nothing is difficult. If prepration is done, there should be not much of a problem completing a task, usually an exam in time. Thats what I experienced.
The usual bitchings, rantings, acting and posing going on, plus a few other drops of happiness and such. With different events unfolding each day, we question life and change. With each passing second things change and its not like the past anymore. People change, normally from bad to worst, but not to forget are the handful which turn good.
Things have changed, totally. You find that people around you, are no longer what they used to be. I think I have a gift. A gift of looking through others' minds, be it good or bad. Examples have proven me correct, right * ? [: Its interesting, yet disturbing to feel something like that. It sucks sometimes to see that one has an ulterior motive, and in the process hurting someone really close to my heart. Sighs. What life is all about, this.
Yeechien Wrote;
12:20 AM
-Saturday, August 19, 2006
Looking for answers in life, about life. That's what I'm doing now.
I have seriously, no issues to discuss about. I'm still disturbed by alot of things, so yeah. Stop prodding me and disturbing me if not i'll give you shit one day.
"Sometimes, all the fame and power gets into one's head and they become airy, all the air go into their heads and they start doing stupid things. I have no regard for them.'
Yeechien Wrote;
9:11 PM
-Thursday, August 17, 2006
Prelim Day 2, going on to 3.
Smiles [:
Yeechien Wrote;
9:41 PM
-Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Prelims, have begun. To start with, it wasn't that great for me. Life's boring now, but do I have a choice? Nah. Life now is pretty much the way I rather not have, well then, for the sake of my future, I do not have much of a choice, do I?
'Chinglish', a new term learnt today. A new language(?) consisting of Chinese and English, as the name suggests. Many people in our society are using this language, thinking its cool to do so. But in fact, its a great misconception. People should be using proper English, instead of Chinglish and Singlish. Ah, whatever.
I learnt that people are usually blinded by their own actions. They never get out of their comfort zone and look at things in a different light. They always think that, doing this is right. It may be wrong, but they will not realise it, unless they themselves find out. I have nothing much to say today, except that, prelims are here, are that's a reality. Its hard.


My good friend, who's kinda been there for me all the while [:
Welcome to reality.
Yeechien Wrote;
9:13 PM
-Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Your Five Factor Personality Profile |
 Extroversion:
You have medium extroversion. You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party. Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences. But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."
You have high conscientiousness. Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life. Most things in your life are organized and planned well. But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.
You have medium agreeableness. You're generally a friendly and trusting person. But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism. You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.
You have medium neuroticism. You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic. Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy. Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is high. In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas. You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits. A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. |
Your EQ is 149 |
 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
Your IQ Is 140 |
 Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is Above Average |
Yeechien Wrote;
7:17 PM
-Sunday, August 13, 2006
Realised that, every corner of the world is the same. The same shit you get everyday, the same faces you dread to see. Issues facing me everyday, who doesn't have an issue about anything, or everything. I realised, I have so much up in my mind, flurries of thought, kept in a cylinder that might just explode anytime. And yet, I don't have the ability to express myself well. Sad, isn't it. Running the race with time isn't a fun thing to do. You'll never win, will you? Next up, people and life. I got so much to say about people.
To begin with, 'truth can be influenced by your opinion but your honesty can't be influenced therefore there isn't any truth in the world today except for dishonesty and lies' -my cousin. Interesting quote. People are always influenced. The mass media and their bullshit, the lies they hide, the stories they generate. Why? All in the name to make money, and forget about the moral ethics we had. Making people to be what they arent, so artificial. Thats the word. Forget the robots, we have our own artificial humans. They lost themselves, they real them. All they think about is fame and glory and all the shit that would bring them 'good'. Everything is subjective, but, Man isn't. Man will always be man, and that would be a fact that never will change. Maybe others beg to differ, they do. True, it's hard to find truth in this world. Very, in fact. I'm like in a cell, without windows. I want answers to life, how can I find them? God? I don't know, I'm not getting any, yet. So much, so badly I need them. I'm like stuck in this gutter of problems of life. The taste of life, is as such. Someone, help me.
I really need some help here. Emotionally, and mentally. Not on the context of studies, but more on the answers to how life works, and how reality works. Reality, can be taste like an angel in heaven, or like a devil in hell. 2, is the number. The equation for reality is 2, or more for some cases. Most things have two sides, two different things, that never meet. Subjective, and perspection matters. Im in the transistion 'grey' area, in between the black and white. Looks like I'm not about to leave yet. Until I find some answers, and be able to move on. Life seems like all black and white to me now, no colours, no nothing. Its either, it be good or bad, nice or not. Blatant, isn't it. Isolation might have worked for me. One thing, why people try so hard to impress, why they like the credit and fame so much. I hope that the credit and fame be like a flood, drown them. The word, is contentment. Without it, you always die trying. Life is a network of roads, we all get to the same place at the end. It's the road you take, that really matters. Endless possibilities in life, all out there for us to find.
My real problem, is living. So much to understand in life. Im like a balloon now. When subjected to a small prick, I might explode. I don't know. Everyone is like so fucked up these days, which sucks. Noise is a factor that adds on to stress, so fuck it. Stop making noise, never try to get beneath my skin. NEVER EVER TRY. Now I know the epitome of STRESS. What stress really is. So fuck you all who try to act like you know everything about it, and tell me theres nothing to worry about when you can't even clean the shit in your ass properly.
G'night readers(if there are any),
Yeechien Wrote;
10:01 PM
Not long ago Reality and his friends sent me a short note:
Hello Yeechien,
Welcome to the REAL WORLD [:
Reality and friends
Yeechien Wrote;
2:43 AM
I give you a glass half filled with water. No, you disagree, you say its half empty. I give you a short 15cm ruler. No, you disagree, you say its long. This, is perspective.
Perspective, just like light shining on an object from different directions. Naturally, DIFFERENT people would have DIFFERENT perspectives. When different perspectives collide, an explosion occurs, that is, a verbal war, or even escalate into a physical warfare. Just like oil and water, never can they be mixed. This is reality of life, dudes.
How come people don't put themselves in others' shoes?
For the first time in my life I have felt so dejected and demoralised doing something, and sometimes even unhappy. Why is it like that. It's maybe that my perspective differs, and my leadership may not be respected. Im supposed to guide everyone in the same perspective, and I didn't. (heaves a big SIGH...) Well, everyone has their commitments, SO HAVE I. At least I know im putting in 101% effort and not because I have other stuff to do I give less. I always give 101% effort right now in what I do, at least I try to. To me, the thought counts. The result comes later. But, most important, action speaks. All talk and no action makes you look like an ass.
Am I saying this out of bias? No I don't think so. When we have the time we should really look into the mirror and be brutally true to ourselves. Ask: "You, do you ....." I try to and it works. It helps me to look at myself and what I have done in the past so I can learn from them. Your future, is made possible by your past. Never, ever forget it. Never forget your benefactor, and whatever that made you you today.
Thats it,
Yeechien Wrote;
2:14 AM
-Thursday, August 10, 2006
Im sure, 100%, Im taken for granted. Trust me when I say it. Well, its happening, and I can't stop it, but just wait and see dudes. Bye all. Me, take care. I will cope with it. Though it sucks.
Yeechien Wrote;
10:17 PM
-Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Okay, Im back.
What a slow day, today. Spent most of my time, thinking about stuff. So much up in my head, about almost everything under the sun. I think I'm in a phase of my life, where I'm searching for answers desperately, and when I find them, I see things in different light. It seems to me, I'm singing to a different tune from everyone. I can't see eye to eye with people, seriously.
I'm very very exhausted mentally. Very. I'm very sick of seeing the same faces which give me problems everyday. I'd like to escape from this world for awhile. Just a little while, where I can slow down and find myself, and find answers that I really always wanted, on life. Sometimes, one might say, escaping is not the best solution, but... I think things are taking its toll on me, the envrionment, the work I have, and such. Nowadays, I always find myself heaving a big sigh, once in a moment. Days aren't good for me, but always, there is light at the end of the tunnel, isn't there? My emotional state is kinda weak now, I don't know. Thinking of alot of things.
Sick today, feeling very uneasy. Bedridden for around 14 hours. Well, while I was in bed, I broke into cold sweat, and started hallucinating. I thought about the bad things that would happen, seriously, I was really afraid that it would.
People dont tend to think in the same way. Which sucks sometimes. They intrepret a piece of info wrongly, and the gossip starts. Gossip, like a flame. Man, like fuel. Without man, gossips will die out someday, without the fuel to keep it going. Well, this is life, reality. Isn't it?
Doing this prom, is not a small job, yet to others it may seem like a game, with fun and all this. But, I don't see it as a kind of fun, but rather a commitment to bring the students what they want, in other words, answering to their calls. Well, not to worry, since I've already chosen to do it, I'll do it to the best that it can be.
Yeechien Wrote;
9:25 PM
What a boring National Day. Staying home and sleep the whole day. Self-reflecting on whatever stuffs there are.
Come by later,
Yeechien Wrote;
9:07 PM
-Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I'm here to say, I'm not here to have fun with people. I'm here to do my job with my utmost abilities. I'm not here to bitch about people, it's not worth it. I'm here to work with any individual. I'm not biased.
Sometimes, I feel people can be just a little bit more sensitive to things around them, and themselves. They have to show a little bit more respect to themselves, so that people can respect them. Flaunting doesn't work in this society, it never does. People love you for who you are, inside out. Not the other way round. You can never make someone love you, but you have to gain it yourself. Welcome to reality.
Stop showing off. Stop doing things that arent even a bit 'cool'. It sucks and it makes you stupid. Many lessons in life to be learnt, many questions to be answered. We will never get all of them, but we always try to look for it. That is what makes us, us. Instead of assumption, which never leads us anywhere, I always opt for action. Action speaks the loudest words, not just talking. You can bullshit about something big, but at the end of the day if you don't do anything about it, you look like just any idiot. If you can't act, can pose. Don't. My advice is, always follow you heart, and never lie to yourself. Only stupid people are blinded by what others say, and they always try to make a big fuss out of it by changing themselves. The stupidest people always try hard to present themselves, but in truth, the best way to present yourself, is to be natural. Move aside posers, the world has no space for you. There is another option for you, be who you are.
Some people just dont realise how stupid they look, and how unnatural they look. They think its cool, but in fact it sucks. Stop labelling people, 'cause you never want them to label you. If you label them, you would make the most noise. Here the quote comes in. " Empty vessels, make the most noise" Complaining about what others can't do, themselves not even able to cope.
Im sick of doing it. Constant reminders for people to do it well. Last minute work never gets you anywhere. Stop making excuses for ranting at me, and apologising to me afterwards. This way, you're taking me for granted. And I hate people to take me for granted. Meaning, only when they need me they come to me. It sucks to feel this way, and have the party who does it be ignorant.
There's this group of cats, who always try to draw stripes on themsleves, trying to pose as tigers. It works, but only for awhile. The stripes wear off, and they are smudged by the ink. So, does it make them look stupid. Does it?
Yeechien Wrote;
10:44 PM
-Monday, August 07, 2006
Taken for granted.
I'm taken for granted.
They forgot who I am.
I'm slogging the shit outta my intestines now.
Well, its worth it.
I learnt a lesson.
A big Lesson. [:
Yeechien Wrote;
11:13 PM
-Sunday, August 06, 2006
Seriously, I'm living in an environment that I hate to be in. I'm trapped in this web that I don't want to be in. Do I have a choice? No, not at the moment. Looks like all alone here...
Maybe I have outgrown what I used to fit in. Now I look back and think, why was I so childish then. Maybe I have grown up, and see things in different light. Sometimes, I feel that I'm not on the same wavelength as people. Faster, or even slower. I just feel so out of place myself. But somehow, its doing me good. My grades are improving, and my character, the values I yearned for... If I could filter things like you would filter a suspension of a liquid and soild. If I had that.
Very exhausted, living in an envrionment where one bitches about another unassumingly. You'd never know. Well, this might show that I'm not ready for society, or that, I'm only looking at the flaws of society. In life, do we have much choices? We do and we do not. Many things can be chosen, but at the same time, the kind of environment you are in, cannot be chosen. So, it is really up to you to change it, and make the world a better place for us to reside in. I feel sad when I hear someone bitching about someone else. I used to be like that, but I've changed. I want to change the environment, to be better. I found out, I couldn't, and I will never try again. I have tried, but to find myself to emotionally attached, and when its time to let go, I was and I am reluctant, till this day.
I learnt, 100% control over emotions, and confidence in myself.
I've sort of found the direction in life. I know what I want. And I'm working hard towards it. Earthly temptations and stuff, are bothering me, but, I'm trying hard to close an eye. I promise, I'll try.
Yeechien Wrote;
10:56 PM
-Friday, August 04, 2006
okay. I seriously think, I have lost a part of me.
Yeechien Wrote;
11:40 PM
Sick Days
I went AWOL, I apologise. Busy with schoolwork and other stuff recently. Im back to post my thoughts. Here's a place where I keep most of my thoughts, and there wouldn't be any personal attacks directed to anyone.
As usual, everything changes with time. What doesn't. An apple rots with time, a man grows old with time, a shoe wears out with time. What you see today, may be gone tomorrow. Same applies for relationships, and stuff like that. Does eternity even exist? Often we find ourselves so attached to the short-term objects, and when we lose it, we make a really big fuss out of it. People just love to attract attention, dont they?
Whats the epitome of cool. What is cool anyway. People are always making things sound so far-fetched, yet what they can only do is just talk. Those who like to make unecessary comments, or rather criticisms, or rather useless words, can do nothing. When subjected to their own medicine, they break down when they take a slight sip. Insolent fools.
I guess puberty starts at 16 for some people. Behaving like kids, actions like kids, and all la, yada yada yada. Okay maybe they had puberty but its lasting like damn long. Complaining all day long, behaving like children. Making noise to attract attention. Sorry but I can't help but to blog about this thing over and over. It's really disgusting to me and I can't stand it.
People trying to behave as if they're living the high-life, making a big fuss about what posh places they've been. Nonsensical. Bragging about this and that, having such 'big' ideas that are in reality, minute.
I've lost a part of myself recently I guess, things aren't the same as they were, are they?
Yeechien Wrote;
10:12 PM